Allergens Information
It’s important to us that our food is made with the very best fresh, quality ingredients and the highest amount of love and care. Here’s a simple list of each allergens information, to help you find and enjoy your perfect Schnitz meal. When choosing your schnitzel and favourite crumbs, be sure to check the information on the protein, wash batter and crumbs. Refer to the key on the side which describes if the allergen is present in the ingrident.
Alternatively, you can always download a copy of the information below.
Contains allergen
May contain allergen
Contains sensitive ingredient
Choose Protein, choose Wash Batter, then choose Crumb.
Wash Batter
Crumbs, Crumb-free
Incudes all components
Wraps & Burgers
Bread Rolls & Wraps
Wrap & Burger Fillings
Excludes Schnitzel and roll/wrap allergen information
Salads with Dressing
Excludes Schnitzel and roll/wrap allergen information
Salads with Dressing
Excludes Schnitzel and roll/wrap allergen information
Salads Dressings
Chips & Schnacks
Little Rascals
Kids Packs
Served with Chicken or Beef Schnitzel (traditional crumb, egg wash), includes Schnitzel allergen information.
Dips & Sauces